Creative, marketing, and content work for tech companies and nice people*
* Luckily, the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive

Hello, I'm Eugene, a non-disruptive design-minded creative copywriter, content strategist, and product marketer.

I make companies sound like human beings (the opposite of soulless corporate zombies) by selecting the most relevant ideas and articulating them in a delightful way — through a well-balanced mix of informative and funny.

Focus. I'm mostly comfortable with digital products, especially technically complex software — but good offline projects excite me just as much. I know enough about product positioning, product marketing and content strategy to launch a project from scratch — and, honestly, it's great fun.

Buzzwords. Product positioning, content strategy, marketing strategy, brand guidelines, tone of voice. Web copy, UX copy, emails, landing pages, blog posts, microcopy, storytelling, content marketing, intelligent SEO, display advertising, video scripts, employer branding, thought leadership

Philosophy. I very much like to work with people who aim to create something best-in-class and are focused more on providing value rather than on MRR, ARPU and CPC. I'm in love with research and facts and I believe in marketing through compelling arguments rather than manipulative CTAs and fluffy adjectives. I also believe that every company should have a personality, should sound like a human being, and should not be afraid to experiment and try the unconventional — instead of blindly copying from others.

Industries and technologies. Complex tech-driven products. Tools for making stuff. Tools for collaboration, communication, and productivity. Tools for learning stuff. Blockchain and crypto projects. Projects that aim to fix the mess with privacy and ethics.
B2B tech products
Product marketing, content strategy, tone of voice and web presence for Contentful, a content management platform

I've developed the tone of voice and written the house style guide, created the website out of nothing, significantly contributed to content strategy, wrote plenty of ad campaigns, and came up with a ton of jokes on the way.

Results: 10x increase of traffic and signups over the course of 2 years

Highlights of some web and UX copy written for Contentful
Naming, product positioning, tone of voice, web presence and other things for Grip, a visual content generation platform

Working with the Creative Director and the Chief Marketing Officer, I helped with launching the Grip brand from scratch. I've come up with dozens of company names, as well as various names for 4 of its products, co-created the brand style guide, written the website, and prepared the advertising campaigns.

Research, messaging framework and product positioning, tone of voice and fancy slides for Contiamo, a data science platform

Working with the Head of Marketing and the Managing Director, I've been researching the market of data science tools, developing and refining the product positioning, creating a fresh brand voice, and producing collaterals for the marketing outreach campaign.

Not so B projects
Information architecture, positioning and words for the portfolio website of an ICO agency

See live website →

A part of the Eberhard Lindfort homepage that finally answers the most important question about ICOs
Information architecture, messaging and words for the portfolio website of Denis Astakhov, an independent creative producer

Link to live website coming soon

Branding and UX copy for Pure, a different kind of boys-meet-girls app
Script development and voiceover copy for a CG film about Moscow railway
Words and jokes for the Delft Hyperloop promo website

I helped the people of INDG to create the voice and write the copy for the website which presents the concept of a Hyperloop train done by the crew of the Delft University of Technology.

See the full project →

Pre-2015 design work

I'm not a designer, but I know a thing or two about UX, composition, and typography. Here's my design portfolio compiled in late 2014.

I'm using Sketch every day for presenting ideas visually — somehow it makes much more sense this way, and it's much easier for others to understand what I'm saying.

For more horrendous design, this way please →

A fine-balanced mix of serious and silly
An open love letter to British English

Is my work any good?

Rethinking the News Feed

death by powerpoint
Given an opportunity, I'm always happy to share what I know
Voice & Copy
The wonderful people of edenspiekermann_ Berlin gave me a chance to talk about writing, tone of voice, creating characters and other nice things. Thanks, Robert!

Disruptive Walrus

My reflections on the startup culture
Talking to strangers has never been this easy.
I'd be delighted to hear from you, whether it's business or strictly personal. I rarely say no to good work.
You're welcome everywhere.
If it's kind of important, email is probably your best bet.


Not a very funny Twitter
LinkedIn for serious business
#Creative #hashtags #on #Instagram
Thinkpieces on Medium
Facebook without cat pictures
Eugene Kudashev is a creative copywriter and content strategist who is making companies sound like humans. He's currently doing words and concepts for various clients worldwide as an independent contractor. He's irregularly tweeting about weird things in life at @eugenekudashev.
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